Hey everyone! I hope everyone’s week has gone well. I have had quite an eventful one so I’m going to treat this post as my venting mechanism haha. First, this Oklahoma weather has been so bipolar but who is complaining about getting to wear shorts every day?! That’s being said, I’ve done most of my writing for this course and my others on the road since I’ve made a trip up to Des Moines, where I will be attending medical school in the fall. So, writing has been interesting to say the least but I must say that sometimes I prefer putting some work in, then stepping away to re-approach it later with a fresh mind. Also, I’m sure like most of us, I have really been trying to take advantage of the extra credit lately. Posts like these have helped take advantage of some of the other aspects of the course and have been a lot of fun. In addition, I have learned a lot of great stuff from learn smart. I hope to utilize some of the tools that I have read about in the articles that I have posted over and some that I have yet to post about. Moreover, tech tips have really come in handy as well. If you haven’t had the chance to do any of these, I would highly recommend, especially the tech tips about canvas. I think canvas has been such a helpful platform and I couldn’t be happier that the university made the transition to a much more user friendly platform. Anyway, I am now back home and I am going to do my best to tackle the rest of my courses and finish the semester strong. But like I said, I think that I will begin with this course so that I can write some and give myself the opportunity to return. I have found that I do my best work when I do this.
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